As of January 1, 2024, Cardin & Miller Physical Therapy is now ACCESS PT!

We built this practice by creating relationships with clients like you, & our commitment to serving our clients remains our top priority. As ACCESS PT, we have joined together with other family-owned PT businesses to be able to serve clients throughout Pennsylvania and beyond.

We are proud and excited to partner with people who share our vision, values & passion for creating great client experiences in physical therapy.

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The Benefits Of Having A Physical Therapist Near Me

man giving physical therapy to woman lying on table

Are you looking for a physical therapist in Carlisle or Mechanicsburg?

Whatever the issue, whether you have a chronic medical condition or an injury that impairs your normal daily routine, physical therapy can help you get things back on track and restore regular physical activity, movement, and mobility.

We help you improve and restore mobility, strength, movement, range of motion, overall functioning, and quality of life while helping decrease pain, stiffness, and discomfort and prevent further injuries.

This blog examines some of the many conditions that benefit from having a physical therapy clinic in your neighborhood and attending regular sessions with a physical therapist.

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What Is Physical Therapy?

physical therapy words displayed on tablet with stethoscope over table

Physical therapy is part of rehabilitative health care. We help people overcome physical obstacles and achieve optimal health – whatever that looks like for you.

It also involves diagnosing physical issues (the root cause), treating acute and chronic medical conditions, and restoring mobility.

Physical therapy is one of the most effective non-invasive treatment methods for physical issues. Many physicians and surgeons consider physical therapy ideal for treating musculoskeletal conditions.

As physical therapists, we are trained to use various techniques to treat issues with pain, loss of mobility, and range of motion and restore physical functions.

The APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) describes physical therapists as diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions.

Physical therapy is for people of all ages and includes patient education, manual movements, and customized exercises.

Apart from strengthening and increasing flexibility and range of motion, we are also proven effective in managing complex pain conditions and physical function and improving our patient’s overall quality of life. We can also help you prevent injuries and stay fit and healthy long into retirement.

What Are The Benefits Of Having A Physical Therapist Near Me?

male physical therapist helping with woman who has shoulder pain

There are many. Unfortunately, some people must travel across multiple counties to find a good physical therapist to help with their issues.

So, if you have a physical therapy clinic in your neighborhood, you’re one of the lucky ones. You can make your physical therapy sessions part of your regular health and wellness routine rather than turning the cross-county trip into an all-day event.

But let’s get back to the stand-out benefits of physical therapy, which include:

Work with balance issues:

As we age, especially in patients 60 and older, coordination and balance issues can arise, leading to serious injuries.

But no matter your age, you can start as you mean to go on and use physical therapy to improve your coordination and balance through the various movements and exercises we teach you during a physical therapy session, so physical therapy gives you better balance and mobility.

In addition, one of the great benefits of regular physical therapy is decreasing your risk of injuries from falls later in life.

For sports-related injuries:

Surgery is not the only option for sports injuries. In fact, in many situations, it should be the last line of treatment chosen.

Physical therapy helps relieve pain, strengthen the affected area, and assist in injury recovery. In addition, many severe sports injuries need physical therapy as a part of the rehabilitative process.

So, if you do happen to get injured on need surgery, your local physical therapist is on hand to create a tailor-made exercise plan based on your medical condition and needs.

As part of the treatment process, we may include massage therapy, ultrasound, targeted exercises, aquatic therapy, etc., to strengthen your weak muscles and tissues and prevent further damage.

Therapy for all age groups:

Physical therapy is not restricted to any particular age group. Instead, we help people of all ages, from small kids to the elderly.

We undergo professional training and have many years of experience working with people of all ages. We have physical therapists specializing in geriatric therapy and other therapists specializing in pediatric therapy and working with young children.

Pain management:

Physical therapy is one of the most common (and most effective) techniques for pain management for chronic medical conditions like osteoarthritis, sciatica, or ankylosing spondylosis.

Our physical therapy sessions for pain management include manual techniques, exercises, and electrical stimulation, among many other modes of treatment.

We can treat all areas of the body, from the neck, back, and shoulders to foot and ankle pain and pelvic pain.

3d Illustration of Female Feeling Arm joint pain

Treating musculoskeletal disorders:

If you suffer from a musculoskeletal condition like tendonitis, osteoporosis, or arthritis, physical therapy can be extremely beneficial in improving your symptoms.

The objective of our treatment is to help you manage the pain, along with helping to improve your mobility. We can also educate you on ways to manage your condition at home and help to prevent further damage to the affected areas.

Improve physical functionality:

After any kind of serious trauma or injury, it can be quite common to suffer from impaired physical functions.

This reduced physical function and mobility can make carrying out your routine activities challenging and affect your quality of life.

We aim to restore this functionality in your physical therapy sessions. To do this, we work with you to gradually recover your mobility and improve your range of motion and flexibility, all of which help you to improve your physical function.

Create a home exercise regimen:

Physical therapy is not restricted to getting treatment at a hospital or clinic. We can provide treatment in your home or via telehealth and a video link if you are incapacitated and can’t get to the clinic.

It might surprise you what we can achieve without you ever having to leave your home. Instead, we use customized exercise regimens specific to your physical condition and requirements and guide you from the comfort of your home.

By providing this service, we ensure you can continue your recovery process even if you can’t get to the clinic.

Can help you avoid surgery: 

In some cases, attending physical therapy sessions at the first sign of trouble can help you avoid going under the knife and having surgery.

For instance, if you have a slipped disk, physical therapy may be able to manage the inflammation and pain adequately and prevent the need for surgery.

Also, if you suffer from arthritis, regular physical therapy sessions can help prevent invasive joint replacement surgery and the associated downtime.

Post-surgical recovery:

Patients recovering from surgery need assistance to regain their functionality, strength, and flexibility. This assistance is more so for individuals that have undergone orthopedic surgery, like any joint replacement or knee surgery.

Physical therapy comes in handy with therapists working with patients daily to recover their strength, flexibility, and mobility. The therapist also educates the patient on ways to prevent further injury, ward off infection, etc.

Cardin & Miller: Your Local Physical Therapy Clinic

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As the above information confirms, undergoing physical therapy can help you improve your overall well-being and has all sorts of other benefits, from avoiding dangerous surgeries to minimizing your use of pain medication.

In addition, the exercises and movements we guide you through as part of your sessions can also help you feel more relaxed and at ease in your body, which in turn can help you develop a healthier, more active lifestyle in the long run.

At Cardin & Miller, we help you move, feel, and live better without surgery, pills, injections, or endless doctor’s appointments.

We can help with back, knee, and shoulder pain, neck pain and headaches, hip pain, and foot pain. We don’t just provide traditional physical therapy either.

We also provide a range of specialized treatments at our Carlisle clinic or one of our two clinics in Mechanicsburg.

These expert services include Diabetic Foot Care, Custom Foot Orthotics, Concussion Therapy, Vertigo Treatment, Developmental Paediatric Physical Therapy, and Post & Pre-op Rehabilitation.

We’ve been in business in Pennsylvania for over 17 years – with a team of over 30 staff. Our business is built on repeat business and recommendations, so you can guarantee that the health of you and your family is in safe hands when you come to Cardin & Miller for physical therapy.

To find out whether we’re the right fit for you and your specific symptoms, we offer all new patients a free 15-minute consultation to help you decide on the best way to resolve your problematic symptoms.

In addition, we can give you some immediate tips to help you reduce the pain you’re in right now and also explain how we would work to fix your issues if you go ahead with treatment.

We also offer you the option to have a “Free Screen”. These sessions are for you if you have a particular problem that you need help with – like neck, foot or knee pain – but you’re not sure whether physical therapy is the right treatment.

You can come and meet us and get a feel for the service we offer and decide whether you want to go ahead with treatment from there.

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